Saturday, December 20, 2014

Holiday party eating survival tips.

Holidays mean holiday parties and gatherings. I get to celebrate Christmas at least 4 times and also have a work party to attend. Then comes New Years Eve. With all these opportunities for yummy food and drink, it can be tough to not just completely let your nutrition go south until the new year. But some of us have goals we are working toward and we don't want to set ourselves back by ditching the diet for two or three weeks. And let's be honest, if you do completely abandon healthy eating for three weeks, It's going to be a tough transition getting back on track in January. So here's a few tips on surving holiday gatherings without packing on extra pounds. 

1. Leave some extra macros!

First and foremost. You know you are not going to go to a party and eat nothing. Where is the fun in that?!  Sure you could socialize more and eat less but most likely you're going to eat.  And if it's a dinner party and not just appetizers it's even more awkward to just not eat. So plan ahead. Even if you're not sure of the menu, leave extra macros! 

2. Don't show up starving 

We all are more likely to over eat if we are famished. So eat a snack before you get there. A handful of nuts is a quick, easy and portable option. A little fat and protein to curb that hunger before to show up. 

3. Go for protein and veggies first.

We all know most holiday parties have tons of sweets. Don't fill up on sugary carbs. Go for healthier options first. If it's a potluck event, bring a healthier dish so you know you have at least one good option. Save a little room for something sweet. If you fill up on protein and veggies you'll be less likely to eat a ton of those Christmas cookies. 

4. Don't rush through eating. 

Eat slowly. Chew your food. Taste it and enjoy it. I find if I am eating something "bad" if I take a small portion and eat that in smaller bites it seems more satisfying. So instead of eating 5 cookies, eat one. In small bites and savor it. 

5. Get your workout in  

If you know you have a party that evening. Get a workout in earlier in the day. Burn some calories before you go. If you know you're probably going to eat a bit more, don't skip your workout. 

6. Watch high calorie beverages. 

Personally, I'd rather eat my calories than drink them. Drinking wine (or other alcoholic beverages), eggnog, holiday inspired lattes and pop can really add on a lot if extra calories in a hurry. Be mindful of what you are drinking as well as what you are eating. Go for water when you can. Add some lemon, cucumber or flavor enhancers if you want to switch up the flavor. 

7. Enjoy yourself. 

While it's really hard to stay on your diet this time of year, keep in mind 1 or 2 or 3 parties over a week or two isn't going to undo everything you have done. If 7 days out of 14 you're following your plan. Those 3 parties shouldn't completely ruin you. So enjoy! (In moderation) 

8. Keep moving forward. 

Each new day is a new opportunity. So you ate your body weight in sugary baked goodies last night. So what. The past is in the past. You can't undo it, but you can make better choices today. You can go to the gym and it a healthy balanced diet. Don't just give up because you had one bad day. (Or two or three). Quiting will not help you reach your goal any faster. 

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