Sunday, December 14, 2014

How IIFYM changed my life

This sounds silly to say, but finding out about IIFYM (if it fits your macros aka flexible dieting) really changed my life. Something I obviously struggled with was balance. I really really love food. And I can EAT! I used to eat alone sometimes because I was so heavy I didn't want to be the fat girl seen eating so much food. Now If I'm going to pig out, I feel so much more confident. And I like for people to see/know that I eat pizza, cookies, cupcakes.. In moderation. I get a lot of questions about what I eat, and though my macros are specific to what works for me and my training and goals, I tell people. Because I eat more than 1000 or 1200 calories a day. I WANT people to understand the importance of food as fuel. I don't want people starving themselves as I did and so many people do. I see so many people "dieting" eating only salad.. No protein. Or something like my favorite "taco salad" from Jason's deli that's a 1500 calorie salad. Yikes!
I digress.. Let's get back to iifym. It taught me the importance of fueling your body. It taught me about nutrition. I started seeing amazing results when I figured this out.
Let's address some common questions: 
1. What's a macro?
get this question on Instagram a lot. Macro is short for macronutrients (carbohydrates, protein, fat). So IIFYM is a "diet" (I hate that word) designed around a target number of carbohydrates, proteins and fat. It's that simple. And you need all three of these. Or I should say your body needs all three. I think any diet plan that cuts out any of these (excluding a medical necessity) really just sets you up for failure. Eventually you'll want to eat those foods again.  You will probably binge or it will make you physically ill or you'll pack on all the weight you lost.  Whatever happens, it's just not a great plan. I'm not saying you should eat a pop tart everyday. But if you're going to a party you can have a piece of cake without guilt or ruining your diet. You just fit those treats in to your macros and no problem. 
2. Isn't tracking macros a pain? 
No! That's the beauty of it. Ok there's a trick to it. I use myfitnesspal. When I log my food it tracks the macros. Yay! That's the easy part. The tricky part at first is hitting those targets. So you need 120g of protein, how do you get that? You'll read a lot of labels and learn a lot about what you are putting in your body. That's for sure. And I highly recommend planning your entire day out in advance. Believe me. Eating an egg and a tablespoon of peanut butter for dinner to finish out your macros is a bit weird. But it happens. 
3. What do I eat? How much do I eat? 
I calculate my macros using the free calculator at It's a great tool to use to get started. But there's a trail and error factor. Some people do great on higher carbs. Others not so much. It's all about finding what works for your body and your lifestyle. As far as what kinds of food.. Anything! Chicken, steak, pork, salmon, tuna, tilapia, eggs, egg whites, tofu (if you want), fruits, veggies, Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, oats, sweet potatoes, quinoa, brown rice, wheat bread... I generally avoid white rice and white breads and try to avoid "junk" foods except for 1 cheat a week. Always go for whole grains and leaner protein when you can. 

If you have any questions about iifym or training or anything, leave me a comment below. 


  1. Hi J! I am trying to figure out the macro calculator and I'm having trouble with the nutritional plan step... .8 grams per lb. of lean meat. Say what?? I'm totally ignorant when it comes to nutrition! Come you help me figure out what the best selection would be?

    1. Hi. Sorry for the delay in replying! .8g per body weight would be ex 100 pound person would eat 80g of protein daily. The calculator will actually do the math for you below. If you're brand new to iifym (or healthy eating in general) I would recommend starting with the default settings and go from there. It can be set up so many different ways.
